Saturday, April 25, 2009

This is me overthinking...

People overthink things. To be more specific, people overthink the simplest things. This bothers me, but unfortunately I can't say that I don't participate in this overthinking. Now when I say "the simplest things," I truly mean it. Name anything and I am sure I can point out ways they are overTHUNK. Maybe...

I feel like it is in our nature to make things more complicated than they really are. At least that's what I feel like it is in my life. I hope we can all relate to this one... math. We see an equation and we know we need to solve it, but we have not done a problem like the one placed in front of us in a while. We try a thousand different things that take ten hours to get to a solution and still it is wrong. Then someone reminds us how to do it and it can be compoleted in one simple step. It's like our brains. We know the answers and how things work, but sometimes it just seems too easy so we make it harder than it really is.

Basically, in my opinion when we overthink things, we mess stuff up. We need to trust ourselves and the simplicity of the world and the concepts we have been taught.

I don't think I expressed what I was trying to say very well, maybe I will think of something better tomorrow and fix it. I apologize for the repetitiveness and babbling for I got two hours of sleep last night. Smooth move on my part.